
ניתן ליצור תיעוד על היחידה הזאת בדף יחידה:TwitterSnowflake/תיעוד

local p = {}

local Date = require('Module:תאריך').parseDateRange

local months = {
	["January"]= "ינואר",
	["February"]= "פברואר",
	["March"]= "מרץ",
	["April"]= "אפריל",
	["May"]= "מאי",
	["June"]= "יוני",
	["July"]= "יולי",
	["August"]= "אוגוסט",
	["September"]= "ספטמבר",
	["October"]= "אוקטובר",
	["November"]= "נובמבר",
	["December"]= "דצמבר"

function translateDate (dateStr)
	local translatedDateStr = dateStr 
	if translatedDateStr and mw.ustring.match(translatedDateStr, '[a-zA-Z]') ~=nil then
		translatedDateStr = mw.ustring.gsub(translatedDateStr, '(%w+)  (%d+),', '%2 %1')
		translatedDateStr = mw.ustring.gsub(translatedDateStr, '(%w+) (%d+),', '%2 %1')
		for englishMonth, hebrewMonth in pairs(months) do
			translatedDateStr = mw.ustring.gsub(translatedDateStr, englishMonth, 'ב'..hebrewMonth)
	return translatedDateStr

function p.snowflakeToDate(frame)
	local format = frame.args.format or "%B %e, %Y"
	local epoch = tonumber(frame.args.epoch) or 1288834974
	local id_str = frame.args.id_str
	if type(id_str) ~= "string" then error("bad argument #1 (expected string, got " .. type(id_str) .. ")", 2) end
	if type(format) ~= "string" then error("bad argument #2 (expected string, got " .. type(format) .. ")", 2) end
	if type(epoch) ~= "number" then error("bad argument #3 (expected number, got " .. type(epoch) .. ")", 2) end
	local hi, lo = 0, 0
	local hiexp = 1
	for c in id_str:gmatch(".") do
		lo = lo * 10 + c
		if lo >= 2^32 then
			hi, lo = hi * 10^hiexp + math.floor(lo / 2^32), lo % 2^32
			hiexp = 1
		else hiexp = hiexp + 1 end
	hi = hi * 10^(hiexp-1)
	local timestamp = math.floor((hi * 1024 + math.floor(lo / 4194304)) / 1000) + epoch
	return os.date(format, timestamp)

function p.getDate(frame)
	-- just pass frame directly to snowflakeToDate, this wraps it but the args are the same plus
	if (frame.args.id_str):match("%D") then -- not a number, so return -2
		return -2
	frame.args.format = "%B %e, %Y"
	frame.args.epoch = tonumber(frame.args.epoch) or 1288834974
	local epochdate = translateDate(os.date("%B %e, %Y", frame.args.epoch))
	local twitterdate = translateDate(p.snowflakeToDate(frame))
	if twitterdate == epochdate then -- created before epoch, so can't determine the date
		return -1
	local date = translateDate(frame.args.date) or 0 -- if we error here, then an input of no date causes an error, which is contrary to the entire way {{TwitterSnowflake/datecheck}} works
	return Date(date.." – "..twitterdate, "raw", inclusive) / 86400

return p