קובץ:Afisz-kara śmierci za pomoc Żydom.jpg

לקובץ המקורי (800 × 1,100 פיקסלים, גודל הקובץ: 109 ק"ב, סוג MIME‏: image/jpeg)

ויקישיתוף זהו קובץ שמקורו במיזם ויקישיתוף. תיאורו בדף תיאור הקובץ המקורי (בעברית) מוצג למטה.



German poster announcing officially the death penalty to every Pole who assists Jews, it reads:

W.r.t.: Capital punishment for support to Jews, who have left the jewish settlement without authorisation.

Of late numerous Jews have departed from the designated Jewish living district. They are as yet delayed in the District of Warsaw. I point your attention thereto, that by the third Decree of the Governor General concerning settlement allocation of the General Government (VBl. GG. S. 595) of 15.10.1941, not only the Jews who in this way, departed unauthorised from their allocated living district, will receive capital punishment, but that the same punishment awaits those, who knowingly aid such Jews by harbouring them. Hereby is not only included the furnishing of overnight facilities and health care, but also any additional assistance, for instance transportation in a vehicle of any sort, purchasing of Jewish business interests, and so forth. I hereby appeal to the residents of the District of Warsaw, with respect to any Jews, who are residing outside the designated Jewish living areas, to be immediately reported to the nearest police station or constabulary post. Those who participated in assisting Jews, or who at this time are assisting Jews, who from this point however to 9.9.42 at 16 hours, inform the nearest police service station, will NOT BE LEGALLY PROSECUTED. In the same way, punitive prosecution will not proceed against those, who from this point to 9.9.42 at 16 hours, deliver or report valuables purchased from Jews at Niska Street 20, Warsaw, or submit a declaration to the nearest police station or constabulary post.

Warsaw, 5th September, 1942.
The SS- and Police-führer of the District of Warsaw
תאריך יצירה
מקור Archives of Institute of National Rememberance, Warsaw
יוצר Chief of SS and Police in District of Warsaw
אישורים והיתרים
(שימוש חוזר בקובץ זה)


Public domain This image is in the public domain according to German copyright law because it is part of a statute, ordinance, official decree or judgment (official work) issued by a German authority or court (§ 5 Abs.1 UrhG).

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111,199 בית

1,100 פיקסל

800 פיקסל

היסטוריית הקובץ

ניתן ללחוץ על תאריך/שעה כדי לראות את הקובץ כפי שנראה באותו זמן.

תאריך/שעהתמונה ממוזערתממדיםמשתמשהערה
נוכחית20:36, 16 במאי 2007תמונה ממוזערת לגרסה מ־20:36, 16 במאי 2007‪1,100 × 800‬ (109 ק"ב)Andros64{{Information |Description=German poster annoucing officialy a death penalty to every Pole for any help for Jews. |Source= |Date=September 1942 |Author= Chief of SS and Police in District of Warsaw |Permission=PD-GermanGov |other_versions= }}

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אתרי הוויקי השונים הבאים משתמשים בקובץ זה:
