קובץ:The Times history of the war (1914) (14761310211).jpg

לקובץ המקורי (2,124 × 1,716 פיקסלים, גודל הקובץ: 346 ק"ב, סוג MIME‏: image/jpeg)

ויקישיתוף זהו קובץ שמקורו במיזם ויקישיתוף. תיאורו בדף תיאור הקובץ המקורי (בעברית) מוצג למטה.



Identifier: timeshistoryofwa10lond (find matches)
Title: The Times history of the war
Year: 1914 (1910s)
Subjects: Times history of the war Times history and encyclopaedia of the war World War, 1914-1918
Publisher: London
Contributing Library: Robarts - University of Toronto
Digitizing Sponsor: University of Toronto

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shing on into Baghdadat the heels of the rout. Apparently Sir JohnNixon had made no objection to this proposal.But the action at Kut, though a victory, hadnot resulted in the complete rout of the Turks.They had retired rapidly ; but, at all events afterthe first confusion of defeat, they had retiredin fairly good order, covered by a strong rear-guard with infantry and guns ; and by October 3General Townshend knew that they had haltedand taken up a fresh entrenched position atCtesiphon, across the Baghdad road. All<3hance of riding into Baghdad at the heels ofthe rout was over, and the question had to beregarded from a fresh point of view. GeneralTownshend, pressing on in pursuit with partof his force, had then reached Azizieh, 30miles from Ctesiphon by land, about 100miles up river, and from there he sent to SirJohn Nixon, or liis Chief of Staff, a telegramwhich seemed to show that in existing con-ditions he considered it dangerous and un-desirable for Mm to march on Baghdad. The I
Text Appearing After Image:
CAPTUKKI) riJHKISM KMI.HSAnd a portion of ii mnchinc-iiiin hc)n;( Korted hcffire ncndinft to the bane. •lal THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR. telegram was L-iinou-ily wonlml, l»ut it was coiu-preliHasililu utu>ugh, tiiul it wart ho iiaportaut t luitit luiut be given iu full. It run na fulluwH : Oiitobor 3, 1915. Tu Major-General, General Htiin,Kut. By avtaturs report you will wee he hail justleft for Kut, and that the chance of breaking u;) th>-retreatin^ Turkish forces, which have by now taken upa po^^ilion at Snlliuun Iak,* no lon)^>ix niileH of entrenchinentrt. It inalso probable that Baghdad ha.s sent them reinforce-luentt. See report by aviator, which gives 6 barge.-.,3 more steamers, 1 mahela, 105 bell tents, etc., alsomany men and many stores, etc. ; another steamer fivemile^j west of Suliman Iak. My opinion, if I may beallowed to express one, in that up to the battle at

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  • bookid:timeshistoryofwa10lond
  • bookyear:1914
  • bookdecade:1910
  • bookcentury:1900
  • booksubject:Times_history_of_the_war
  • booksubject:Times_history_and_encyclopaedia_of_the_war
  • booksubject:World_War__1914_1918
  • bookpublisher:London
  • bookcontributor:Robarts___University_of_Toronto
  • booksponsor:University_of_Toronto
  • bookleafnumber:240
  • bookcollection:robarts
  • bookcollection:toronto
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